
    Vol. 3 No. 02 (2025)

    In this section we want to reduce the origin of the universally most powerful knowledge to the source of consciousness. We will discourse the abstracto-empirical substantiation that, knowledge emanating from consciousness is universally foundational for all categories of mind and applications, the smallest and the profoundest; non-physicalism and physicalism in the scale of reality that comprises the ultimate unravelling of reality. What can be such an irreducible foundation of the true reality, which we define as the translucent evidence of truth, and thereby also of falsehood as the ontic complementation of truth. There is no further quest of reality beyond truth. This is the true reality.

  • Values and Future of Concepts And Application of Critical Realism
    Vol. 2 No. 04 (2024)

    In this issue of JOCRISE, important topics are studied that need their understanding by critical realism. Whereas, their topical presentations in this issue remain subject to criticism and the alternative prescribed in the light of the material-moral gap in these. The topics presented comprise money, libertarianism, and wellbeing objective criterion. The critical viewpoint launched is in respect of the missing conception of moral-material unity of being in a methodological orientation of alternative concepts.

    Vol. 3 No. 01 (2024)

    The resulting study of critical realism arising from knowledge domain in socio-
    economics thereby, permanently engages in the flight of ever heightened excellence of knowing
    the true reality of moral-material integration in the scheme and order of ‘everything’. The
    emergent methodological worldview of unity of knowledge in moral-material complementarities
    is a methodological worldview not to be found in the morally benign theory and practice of
    education, human capital, human resource development as efficiency-centered instruments of
    socio-economic change.

  • Israel-Palestine Conflict: Religious Element
    Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024)

    The very inception of the Israel-Palestine conflict, marred by its many deceptions, belligerence, and violence, has been of untold proportion ever since 1948 when Israel was illegally created by the machination of the Balfour Resolution under the League of Nations. The overwhelming analysis of this untold human oppression by the deception, pogrom, and military might of Israel under the killing legitimacy of its western partners, has centered on diplomacy and geo-political cover.

  • Critical Realism of Moral-Material Complementarities
    Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023)

    This section of JOCRISE is devoted to briefly ventilate innovative ideas on diverse perspectives of socioscientific theories in general and developing economies particularly, for the common wellbeing of global holism. Writers may contribute ideas in this space for readers to gain theoretical, academic, and institutional insights

  • Search for the Socio-Scientific Core of Critical Realism
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)

    The papers published in this launching issue of JOCRISE articulate the opening into such bold yet most meaningful context of epistemic knowledge. Reality lies not in the particular constructs of nature, world, self and other in their perceptions. Therefore, reality is to be sought not in the concretizing of the societal claim on its ‘isms’. Rather, reality lies in extracting by degrees in the humble and sure evolutionary march from the lesser to higher levels of comprehensions, application and subdued humility of knowing the true reality in the world of mind-matter and the diversity of the universe. Indeed, just as development studies is multidimensional in its content, so also is socio-economics a particular metauniverse for substantive inquiry.