Assessment of Early Marriage and Domestic Violence Prevention Measures Case Study in Garut Regency, West Java


  • Jadi Suriadi


Wellbeing Methodology, Maslahah Index, Measurement tools, complex and dynamic


This study investigates the effectiveness of socialization and education initiatives aimed at addressing early marriage (EM) and domestic violence (DV) prevention in Garut Regency. The socialization and education programs implemented successfully raised awareness and fostered dialogue on EM and DV prevention, evidenced by significant community engagement. The configuration of Perception, Participation, and Acceptability (PPA) scoring system facilitated a comprehensive understanding of community attitudes, backed by statistical analysis and social interpretation. Moreover, non-structured data acquisition enriched the research with qualitative insights, enhancing the credibility of evidence-based data. Quantitative figures revealed positive assessments of Maslahah, indicating substantial societal benefit from prevention efforts. This study provides valuable insights and recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders to strengthen EM and DV prevention efforts in Garut Regency, underscoring the importance of evidence-based approaches and cross-sectoral collaboration in promoting societal well-being.


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How to Cite

Suriadi, J. (2024). Assessment of Early Marriage and Domestic Violence Prevention Measures Case Study in Garut Regency, West Java. Journal of Critical Realism in Socio-Economics (JOCRISE), 3(01), 23–41.